Cast, Crew & Band

Summer 2009
Show Description
Everyone’s growing a little secret.
It's 4:20, do you know where your family is? Queen's Players Toronto is back for another high-larious pop cultured tossed salad. We're passing the dysfunction pon the left hand side as the infamous Bluth family from Arrested Development and the pent-up Desperate Housewives of Wisteria Lane collide for two acts of mind-altering comedy and song.
The Players
Candice Gilliam
Danielle Meierhenry
Gia Como
Morgan Joy
Carly Heffernan
Megan Mackeigan
Chris Peressotti
Bob Cornwall
Jordan Silverman
Brian Russell
The Band
Dan "Banger" MacKay
Don Duval
Frank Cipolla
Graeme Drinkwalter
Jamie Lamb
Kris Bruun
Ilena Culleton
Ben Birchard
The Production Team
Adam Harendorf - Sound Opp.
Amanda Row - ASM
Ben Birchard - Writer & Choreo
Chris Bond - Choreo
Darcy Montgomery - Graphic Designer
Douglas Reid - Raffle
Eleanor Bothwell - Producer
Frank Cipolla - Musical Director
Jamie Lamb - Our #1 go-to guy!
Josh Weale - Choreo
Kelly Payne - Tech Stuff
Kris Bruun - Writer & Choreo
Laura Hopkins - Stage Manager
Mark Raheja - Choreo
Matt Olmstead - Puppet & Segue Construction
Natasha Boomer - Director & Choreo
Peter Higgins - Ass-Producer, Lights, Video, etc.
Tim Suthervans - Writer & Choreo
Written by Tim Suthervans, Kristian Bruun and Ben Birchard
Directed by Natasha Boomer
Music and Vocals by Frank Cipolla